Wednesday, December 29, 2010

On a more positive note....

Here's looking to you, Brand New 2011!

Having stated that as a whole, I won't really miss 2010, I am hoping for a more positive approach to 2011. I figure if I list a few of the things I would like to accomplish, maybe the fact it is listed will spur me on to do it!

1) I've got to lose some weight! I think maybe dropping 60 pounds would be good on the heart, joints, attitude, stamina and sex life. I have a few plans and proven methods to do this, but the hardest part is just getting started. SO - My commitment is to get after it right away - Right after the Oregon Ducks kick some Auburn Ass in the BCS Championship game. Golly, that is about 10 days away!

2) I'm going to get my financial house in order. Having a steady, stable job is part of this - and as of today, I see no reason my current employment will change or fall off of the level it is currently compensating. I am also going to read "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey, so that I can work on our money issues from a savings standpoint as well. It is time to get some people paid off!

3) I've got to put more quality into what little time I am able to spend with my family. This year I want to double the amount of camping weekends we do as a family as compared to last year. I want to have one on one times with all of my children. I will make time with my wife a priority. She needs and deserves some quality one on one time away from the home with her non distracted spouse.

4) I am going to "mend some fences". I have a sister that isn't speaking to me right now. We are both stubborn. In fact, we are alot alike. I would like for us to be able to re-connect and let by gones be by gones. I love her and hope that we can get through these hard times.
There are a few friends that have fallen by the wayside either due to time constraints, or mis-understandings. I look forward to re-acquainting myself with these friends.

5) I want to do more reading. I currently read about 8 - 10 books a year. Television is nice, but requires no effort or imagination. An active mind stays sharp. As I turned 40 in 2010, I have noticed a slip in memory, recall and concentration. I hope that a challenging book more often can remedy these age related issues.

6) I wish to connect more fully with my spiritual side. I wish to grow closer to my Lord and Savior.

7) I want to start writing my life's history. This will definitely be a work in progress, but again, I feel that this will exercise my mind and intellect. I have a computer at work, home and lap top for any other time. There really are no excuses.

8) I will try to be kinder in my dealings with all people. After all, I am a people too. Remember the Golden Rule.


  1. Bro, good list. I love lists and yours is pretty spot on. Any time for Scouting in your list? Probably auto with your three sons. It would sure be fun to plan a ORV trip with our two families...I need to drop weight too. Starting off the new year with a motorcycle race--that should be pretty fun and grueling:) Have a happy new year!

  2. David, good list! I need to work on mine today. Alas top of my list is weight reduction.
    Hope you can mend your fences and be kind to others. And a life history would be wonderful. I'd like to read it.
    Happy New year.

  3. I have some resources that might help you with #7. Let me know if you want them. Good luck!
