Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things that will kill me...

My wife Marcy is what I would call ultra paranoid. OK - so she has seen things in my family's history that give her pause, but, COME ON! While I have my father's DNA in my system, I also have my mother's. Her Father just died 7 years ago having smoked most of his life - UN FILTERED CAMELS!

Her latest kick:

I just sit down after making myself a Chicken Nacho with all the toppings and maybe an extra dose of Sour Cream. She says in a very condescending voice, I may add, "I guess your tombstone will say 'he loved sour cream more than spending life with his family'".

I create a very good looking salad with both 1000 island and ranch dressing. 'he liked dressings more than spending life with his family'.

I make a bowl of ice cream with some syrup and nuts. 'he liked ice cream and toppings more than life with his family'

I get it. But, I am sick of it. It doesn't have the desired effect. It makes me instantly angry.

My lifestyle is nothing like my father's. I am not as overweight. I am very much more active. My blood pressure is lower - with exception of when I am being told I am going to eat myself to death. In short - even if I improve nothing about my habits, there is no guarantee I am going to die at 56 like my father. Even changing some habits can't guarantee I will make it to 44.

Do I have to make myself miserable to "prove my love" to my family and especially my wife?

I love her and my children more than life itself. But, a miserable me isn't fun to be around.

I guess that I will just start making some small changes and do what I can to try and be / eat more healthy. I don't want to leave her angry with me over some extra sour cream. I would prefer to go out of this life having lived it well. I hope Marcy will put on my tombstone.....

Here lies M. David Kestner. 'he liked having sex with his wife more than living life with her'. Now that would be the ultimate death!


  1. That last line killed me! :)

    This is a tough one, because, really, Marcy is right. Sorry, it's true.

    But you make it sound like you'll be miserable without sour cream and ice cream and food in general, when I know that that isn't what truly makes you love your life.

    Perhaps a compromise? Switch to non-fat sour cream, sugar free ice cream, and appease Marcy with slightly smaller portions? Maybe?

    Andrew asks me to dish his ice cream for him so that he doesn't overdo it. I know that that seems like he enjoys being treated like a child, but in reality, he knows his weakness and when he asks me to dish it he knows that I will help him overcome it.

    How about trades? Like, you skip dessert or seconds or whatever, and Marcy will slip into a little somethin' somethin' and reward her man?

  2. And by the way - that advice came from a girl who has had two regular cherry cokes today, not diet, and snacked on Doritos, Oreo ice cream bars and more cherry coke last night. Just because I don't look overweight doesn't mean I'm healthy. So, Hello, Kettle, my name is Pot. Nice to meet you.

  3. The pot kicking in here too. If we could just give up food, like cigaretts or alcohol......but dang we need to eat to live.
    Love you M. David, no matter how much ice cream you eat!

  4. Just saying that 3/4 of a cup of sour cream on a nacho is too much! I think if you had to measure it, you would see that.
    Plus, I do love you & would love to have you around for many years. It is proven that unhealthy eating habits can shorten a life. Well, maybe it is my fault. Baked chicken & salad here we come! Or maybe some shots are in our future?
    I could do better as well..but there has to be a happy medium.
