Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What I hate....

Contrary to popular belief, I am actually a pretty neutral person. I am opinionated when pushed, but for the most part I wish to be neutral. Neutral people shouldn't have a list of things they hate, but I am going to leave a list here today. Hate is probably a strong word, so I will just say:

These things BUG!

1) Lazy people - generation. As an "older" person entering into a new "career path", I work with a lot of younger people in better shape than me. So as to keep me humble, one of my responsibilities of working at Costco is.... Collecting carts and bringing them into the store. The good news is that I did this for a career once before. WHEN I WAS 17 in HIGH SCHOOL! Talk about humbling. At any rate, I see this as a chore that needs to be done to a) get carts into the entry area so members have them for shopping and b) to keep stray carts from rolling through the lot and striking a car. Before going further, you should know that I do like most of my co-workers, and some of this rant doesn't apply to all. But, compared to the other's I work with in their "prime of life", why is it that an old, fat, bald, guy with one good knee seems to always do more in the same time then the others sent to do the same thing? I submit - it is an urgency assigned to the task. It seems that with the exception of a few of the guys, nobody of the younger generation sees urgency in ANYTHING! I see this as a problem. I am also betting that people my age now said this about my generation as well. Hmmmmm.

2) I hate "Peace" symbols. Don't get me wrong - I would love to have a world and nation in peace. But - the peace symbol was the icon of the types of jerks that spit on the likes of my father as they were returning home from the Viet Nam war. I also firmly believe, that most people today who sport the stickers on their cars do so as a fashion statement. Others say it represents their "anti government" stand. Which they say as they pay for their food with the taxpayer's dollar. I say if you are going to burn the American Flag as a statement, please - Wrap yourself in it first!!

3) Utah drivers (as a whole). If you need explanation, you have never driven in Utah. Enough said.

4) The fact that I have to "dance with the devil" everyday to bring nourishment into my body. Heroin? Nah. Cigarettes? Nope. Liquor? Not even. Food? Absolutely addicted. AND I have to eat each and every day. What a load of crap!

5) Generation text. Can those guys even spell anything in it's entirety? I do text, but very rarely leave anachronisms. TTYL!


  1. LOL makes me want to lash out irrationally. I hate it. And hate is a strong word.

  2. The texting makes me crazy as well. But I am just as guilty. It is crazy that we are all sitting at the table waiting for that one child you know who I am talking about and instead of yelling at him, I text him to tell him dinner is ready. thank goodness for unlimited texting. Maybe we shouldn't have removed the intercom thingy from the house. Ora Harper had a good idea there.

  3. I'd have to disagree about the peace symbol being wrapped up with flag buring. We can still want peace today and not bur the flag. Peace on earth is not just a feeling from the 60's. Today we want peace and the military is being supported. So can we not use a symbol that continues to mean peace in it's most sincere form. Peace to al mankind and no hatred just because of the higher power you choose to worship.

  4. Oh, and texting. VERY IMPERSONAL. Had to resort to texting one of your siblings to get an answer. I geuss phone messages are so 80's it is not cool to call someone back and actually take the time to make words and talk to one another.
